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Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeOns 29 Apr - 0:58 af Misel

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Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeFre 19 Apr - 1:31 af Zycro

» Lucius In Sneaker
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeOns 9 Nov - 7:32 af Mortimer

» New evil person here neal for him now^^ (åbent emne)
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeFre 29 Jul - 23:52 af Mortimer

» Sommerregn i Januar
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeMan 20 Jun - 20:07 af Mortimer

» Hej Viol, du er blå og sød
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeLør 28 Maj - 1:32 af Trivia Saigon

» Nyhed på Det Gyldne Vildsvin
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeTirs 17 Maj - 23:02 af Trivia Saigon

» ROTO: Rise Of The Overlord
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeFre 25 Mar - 22:39 af Lord Gurk

» Et par øller og en snak
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeTirs 1 Feb - 19:58 af Beth Smith

» Afløser for Abaddon?
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeTirs 1 Feb - 5:41 af Maradith


1. Du må ikke styre andres brugere. Altså hvis du er Jim, og Jim siger til Morten, "Gå væk!" så kan du ikke styre Morten, og for eksempel skrive, "Morten går." Det er op til Morten, hvordan hans karakter reagerer.

2. Når din karakter siger noget, skal du skrive i "gåseøjne" og når du tænker i *stjerner* - tanker kan dog også skrives i kursiv.

3. Du skal skrive mindst 5 linjer i hvert IC indlæg, da det bliver til færre linjer, når du trykker "Send."

4. Du må kun være et sted af gangen - det vil sige, din karakter må ikke være i flere tråde på samme tid. Hvis du ønsker at forlade stedet, skal du i dit indlæg beskrive, at din karakter smutter, og i slutningen af dette sidste indlæg skal du skrive //out//.

5. Ingen powerplay, Mary Sues og Gary Stus. Din karakter må ikke være perfekt (for perfektion eksisterer ikke), kan ikke klare alt og skal have mindst et par svagheder. Hvis denne regel overholdes, bliver spillet meget sjovere.

6. Det er tilladt at bande og tale grimt til andre karakterer i tråde, når man er IC (in character), men kend dog dine grænser.

7. Og man behandler hinanden ordentligt OOC (out of character)! - Så det håber jeg, I kan finde ud af.

Det var vist alt. Jeg forbeholder mig retten til at ændre, slette og tilføje regler, hvornår det skulle være. Skriv endelig en pm til Amylia, Chris19 eller Edith Ember, hvis du er i tvivl om noget, har spørgsmål, eller bare har forslag til andre praktiske regler.

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 Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo

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3 deltagere

Antal indlæg : 1150
Points : 7261
Reputation : 17
Registration date : 07/10/08
Geografisk sted : Takamir

Character sheet
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Left_bar_bleue100/100Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Påklædning: Hvid kjole (se avatar)
Race: Elver

Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Empty
IndlægEmne: Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo   Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeSøn 9 Nov - 23:58

Jeg er lidt usikker på om den her historie bliver fortsat, men ville lige vise jer den. På forhånd undskyld for sukret-hed >.< Jeg kan ikke gøre for det. Og mit engelsk er sikkert heller ikke perfekt, men jeg havde bare sådan lyst til at skrive på engelsk. Jaeh.
Konstruktiv kritik, anyone?

Noone noticed Kat leaving the classroom. They never did. She didn’t mind, really. As long as they left her alone, she didn’t care. It’d been long since they stopped bullying her. Now they just pretended that she didn’t exist.
She grabbed her bike and was off to her job. The red, curly hair waved behind her, playing in the autumn wind. She liked the feeling, riding through the deserted afternoon streets, wind blowing in her ears, shutting out all other sounds.
She finally arrived at the library. Mr. Benns, a dusty old man with big round glasses, sat behind the desk, waiting.
“You’re early today, Aikaterine,” he said, smiling. He always insisted on calling her by her whole name.
“We got off early,” she replied briefly.
“Not many books today,” said the old man, indicating the bookstand with delivered books with his thumb.
Kat smiled and started putting the books in the right places. She took her time, not bothering to hurry. She loved working at the library; it was so quiet and not many people around. She only got 6 dollars an hour, but she didn’t mind. It was enough.
“Hello,” said a soft voice to the left, and it made her jump. She looked, and right beside her stood a guy whom she’d never seen before. He was tall, a bit older than her, with bronze skin, very dark brown hair and a handsome face. Curious was his eyes. She couldn’t exactly name the colour. As soon as she’d determined that they were emerald green, they seemed olive, and when she decided to think that that was the colour, it looked more like a golden brown.
“Err… Hi,” she said, and shook her head unremarkably. How did she get lost in his eyes? “Can I help you?”
“No,” he said with a smile, and vanished behind a bookshelf. She didn’t hear the door open and close at all that day, but when she checked the library later, she didn’t see him again.

When she’d finished the work, it was half past five. She hurriedly did her grocery shopping, and with the shopping bag in the hand she rode through the town and on into the park. It wasn’t really a shortcut, merely a way to avoid the traffic at the main street. And she liked riding through the park. The leaves on the trees were so beautiful at this time of year; all colours from bright orange to bronze to faded brown played in the cool breeze.
Suddenly, the guy from the library was right in front of her, in the middle of the path. Startled, she squealed and made a fast turn to the right. The shopping bag in her hand made her loose balance and she fell into the side of the path.
“Auw!” she exclaimed and rubbed the arm which had taken the fall. It hurt, but not too bad.
“I’m sorry. Are you ok?” said the boy with his soft voice. She looked up and he was standing with his arm held out for her to take. She hesitantly got up by herself.
“Look, who are you?” she asked. This guy was just… too strange to be true.
“My name is Ceral,” the guy said.
Now, that didn’t help much.
“Well thank you, Ceral, I’m fine. I don’t know why I keep running in to you, but I’ve got to go home now.”
He looked puzzled, but then he smiled. “Alright,” he said politely “I’m sure we’ll meet again.” He immediately turned and vanished behind some trees. Kat stood there for a moment. When she went to check behind the trees, he was gone.

Kats dad wasn’t home when she arrived. Of course he wasn’t. Since Kats mum had left, he had been obsessed with his job, only home to eat and sleep. Kat sighed and pulled of her coat and pants, putting on a dressing gown before emptying the shopping bag and putting all the things in the fridge. When she had put the last thing in, she suddenly discovered something in the bottom of the bag. She took it out. It was a necklace. A simple, round, blue white stone with thin silver wires wrapped around in swirls and spirals. It was the most beautiful piece of jewellery she’d ever seen, let alone held in her hands.
She wondered whose it was; maybe someone had dropped it into her bag or something. It sounded a bit silly, though. Who’d just go around dropping such wonderful jewellery into people’s shopping bags?
Presently she discovered something else in the shopping bag. A small piece of paper. There was two words written down on it.
For you.
Kat thought of the boy with the strange eyes, Ceral whatshisname. It must’ve been him, she concluded. With a puzzled smile she put the necklace on, hiding it under the dressing gown. She didn’t want her dad to ask where she’d got it from, because she wouldn’t be able to answer.
When her father came home she already had dinner ready. The only words exchanged during dinner were:
”How was your day?”
“Fine. And you?”
The usual.
Her dad washed the dishes, and Kat walked up to her room.
She looked at herself in the mirror. Behind the pimples and heavy-framed glasses, her face was actually, if not beautiful then at least pretty, with big jade-green eyes, small lips and high cheekbones. The red, curly hair fell over her shoulders and down to the middle of her back. She sat down on her bed and started to braid it. When she was done, she took out the necklace and studied it closer. It was truly beautiful, and almost seemed to glow in the dimness of the room.
That night she dreamed of Ceral.

“Bye dad,” said Kat, giving him a swift kiss on the cheek before closing the door and driving to school. It was raining, and her hair was soon soaked.
No-one noticed her in class, except for the teacher, Mrs. Anderson, who asked her a question about Abraham Lincoln in History class. Nothing out of the ordinary, she thought as she rode to the library. Yet she couldn’t forget Ceral, and the necklace which still hung round her neck. The rain had only gotten worse through the day, and Kat held her head low against the pour.
She was soaked when she finally arrived at the library.
“Hello, Mr. Benns,” she greeted the old man.
“Hello, Aikaterine. How do you do?” he replied with a smile, sitting on his chair behind the desk as usual.
“Fine,” she said as she hung her coat on the hook beside the door.
“What’s that,” Mr. Benns said, getting up and advancing towards Kat. She was a bit confused, then realized what he meant. She hadn’t realized that the necklace had gotten out from inside her shirt, but it was now hanging on the outside, to view for anyone.
“Oh, nothing,” she said hastily, trying to get the jewel out of sight, but Mr. Benns was already there, grabbing the necklace before she could get it inside her shirt again.
“Where did you get that?” he asked, suddenly serious. ‘Why so grave,’ she wondered, ‘like it’s a sin to posses a necklace?’
That necklace.
“Bought it, of course,” she said, quickly pulling it out of his hands and tucking it back under her shirt. “You don’t think I’m stealing or anything, do you?”
The accuse came unexpected for the old man, and he took a step backwards in regret.
“No, no of course not,” he muttered and got back to his desk.
They didn’t speak the rest of the time, and when she was finished, Kat put her jacket on and got on her bike with a sigh of relief.
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Edith Ember

Edith Ember

Antal indlæg : 4548
Points : 9223
Reputation : 18
Registration date : 17/06/08

Character sheet
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Left_bar_bleue100/100Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Påklædning: Et par posede, barkfarvede hørbukser, der er nemme at bevæge sig i, en hvid pirattrøje, snabelsko! xD, og et bælte med en lille taske-pung-agtig-ting i. I koldt vejr også en dejlig varm uldkappe i mørkgrå.
Race: Menneske

Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo   Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeMan 10 Nov - 20:24

Jeg har læst den!! Men ligepludselig kom jeg til at trykke på en dum tast så min lange kommentar forsvandt >.< Men du får den snart... xD Først skal jeg bare i skole. O_o
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Greens tjener i et og alt!....eller noget
Greens tjener i et og alt!....eller noget

Antal indlæg : 5485
Points : 14887
Reputation : 12
Registration date : 17/06/08
Age : 28
Geografisk sted : Ved nærmeste kage

Character sheet
Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Left_bar_bleue100/100Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Påklædning: Tøj...
Race: Elver

Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo   Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitimeLør 27 Dec - 20:04

Jeg gider ikke læse den på engelsk... måske en dag jeg får tid!
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Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo   Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo Icon_minitime

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Unavngivet engelsk historie Oo
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